


  • touch base
  • grab a coffee
  • make some money
  • speak klingon
  • cook something
  • fix a drink


Some reasons why I can

Help you


  • topics you want to discuss
  • recipe you wanna try
  • games you wanna play

There are a few things I can think of, here a couple of examples.

You could either use the contact form or, if it's really urgent

Hypnotic Speeches

You've seen one of my speeches and you want to involve me?

Systemic Design Alchemies

You want to leverage my holistic knowledge and systemic vision?

Facilitation Witchcraft

Facilitate your teams or your individual contributors' growth?

Sprint Prototyping

You have an idea to validate, some experiments to design,
or you need help in making all of this happen?

The wizardry is vast, and

the force strong

As a wizard I can do many more things...

Ask me your desired spell

I will do an expecto patronum, eventually...
